Content Management System ( CMS) >> How to Pick the Best CMS for Your Website

How to Pick the Best CMS for Your Website

Testing Often companies that come to Kaos for building their website are familiar with the term website content management system or CMS but they have very little idea about the way they should go about picking up the right one as per their needs. Just being aware about the popular CMS available in the market is not enough as each of them have their unique features and are built for different purposes and to suit different web projects. There is no one “best” CMS ,and the most appropriate CMS is the one that is best in accordance with your requirements—your budget, scope of the web project, your needs for the future growth of the business  It is imperative to consider these factors before you pick a content management system for your website.

Choose a CMS that meets your business goals

Follow a scenario-driven approach rather than just going by the traditional methods of selecting a CMS, to ensure that you end up getting the right product for your website and your situation. Determine the features of CMS that you need and what really would be used the most, by both administrators and end-users. Remember that one size does not fit all and you have to choose a CMS tailor-made to suit your scenario and business objectives.  

Understand your web content

When picking the CMS, find out the existing scenarios that are not met by the existing technological tool. Select a new one that can help you with common scenarios of content management. In case, your team cannot get you the desired new product information uploaded on the website in few hours or cannot link the related content then choose the CMS that will help you fulfill these goals. Judiciously chart out the things that you are trying to achieve with the desired types of content management system.

Pick technology that will offer you real value

Carefully outline the types of technology that will provide you the biggest near-term value. Ask questions to your vendor related to the most typical kind of technological scenarios you will have to address. Doing so will help you segregate the most suitable vendors who potentially have hit the right spot for fulfilling your business needs. Giving your vendor a clear idea of your website goals, its current and future needs will help him or her give you the best options tailored to your needs.

Get the one that maximizes your website's ROI

Before choosing a CMS from your IT services vendor, make sure that you use a chance to test it yourself. There are several vendors who would try to convince you to go for complicated WCMS when all you need is a simple one. Do not let vendors trick you with dazzling canned demos to get a CMS that does not fit your needs. Also, sign the contract with a vendor who can work with most CMS and can build the right one for your needs.

Clearly analyzing your internal capabilities, identifying your situation and your needs will put you in better spot to select an appropriate CMS.