Ecommerce >> Product page optimization key factor in ecommerce search marketing strategy

Product page optimization key factor in ecommerce search marketing strategy

Building a great looking and browser compatible ecommerce site is not enough but one needs to direct conscious efforts towards drawing in greater traffic for the site. One way of bringing in more web users to the ecommerce platform is to optimize the category pages for which relevant search terms are searched more by web users. A dynamic eCommerce search marketing campaign should necessarily entail optimizing the product pages as its key component in order to make the ecommerce businesses highly successful.  Product level optimizations can have greater impact on generating traffic and thereby bringing in higher revenues. 


Make product optimizations an integral part of your eCommerce campaign to help you reach out to consumers who have already made their choice of a product and are further into the buying process. Through product optimization method of ecommerce marketing, your site can rank well for popular product related terms. It allows your website to feature in the top rankings for people looking to buy the products online.  There are several simple strategies to help you optimize and rank your product pages better than your competitors. Here are simple ways to do so:

1. Research relevant keywords – Identify key terms that are applicable to your product and can bring traffic to your product pages. It is essential to find potential terms that are highly relevant to your product to ensure that there is no unqualified traffic to your product pages. There are several tools available to find only relevant terms, variations and trends related to keywords within that product niche to prevent the user engagement metrics from getting affected. 

2. Custom Product Description – An essential part of the optimization process is writing product description page that allows search engines to understand the page. When writing the custom product copy, first mention the benefits of buying your products, followed by its features that can convert the traffic and enquiries into more revenues. Custom product description copy needs to be written in the most concise manner and convey the unique value proposition offered by your product in comparison to other competitors. 

3. List of Features – Online shoppers usually devotes lesser or no time at all in reading up the product copy that communicates the benefits and features of a product. Hence it is important that you list out all the benefits and information related to the products in a bulleted form to help convert traffic into product purchase decisions for online browsers. 

4. Product Reviews – Carrying positive reviews and feedback of your product from actual users is a powerful way of converting customer enquiries into sales. The main idea behind featuring product reviews is to communicate to search engines how the product is valued and perceived by users. Star rating reviews are often more convincing manner of conveying the popularity of products than written reviews.  

5. Schema Markup – This markup language clearly defines product information and is supported by all search engines. It is useful in coding of the page content and has a positive impact on the page listing on a search engine results page. It can increase the click through rate of your page and hence result in greater traffic. 

Sticking to these simple yet effective product optimization strategies can help your product pages to result in positive performance gains.