Open Source Technologies >> Why you should adopt Drupal to lead in the mobile marketing initiative

Why you should adopt Drupal to lead in the mobile marketing initiative

The trend of surfing the mobile version of websites on smart phones across the world has prompted web developers and designers to jump to the mobile marketing arena for promoting their products. According to research, smart phone users and surfers of mobile-optimized web content have significantly exceeded in numbers over the past few years. Stationery computing has become a thing of the past now. Therefore, it has become important for website owners and administrators to ensure that their website is easily navigable on all the phones and tablets. Keeping pace with technological advancements, the developers of Drupal have tried to make it a relevant content management system that leads among the rest in the mobile initiative.

To lead the mobile marketing initiative, Drupal community has made efforts to develop several specific tools within this CMS that can favorably support the following mobile needs: native apps, responsive design, mobile/desktop domain switching, web apps and responsive design with server side components, or RESS.

Terrain Native mobile application runs natively on a smart phone as contrary to a web app which runs out of a browser. It is build using Objective C for iOS, Java for Android or mobile application development framework. The presence of XML-RPC, REST, and JSON protocols and response formats aids the communication with Drupal powered backened server. Mobile/desktop domain switching is one of the biggest features of Drupal platform as it makes it easy for the website to get an idea about the kind of device or platform it is running from. This feature also enables the website to adapt to the particular limitations of that platform.

Responsive web design and RESS is a useful specification as both of them effectively deal with the quick installation of user interfaces to specific devices and requests. The increasing usage of smartphones and tablets in the market with different screen sizes have made it imperative for websites to look good and have a user-friendly interface on mobiles of all kinds, irrespective of their screen sizes. The responsive web design makes it easy for a user to view the website’s content in the most optimal manner, regardless of the screen size of the phones or tablets. The presence of HTML5, CSS3 media queries and flexible images of Drupal’s responsive web design helps it to adapt to particular requests of the device it's being viewed on and also depending on the way user interacts with the website or service.

Drupal enables a web developer to start directly by using one of the unique base themes for responsive web design - Omega and Zen.  Many of the issues concerning the HTML5 element integration needs and paving the way for a better and more direct way of integrating apps has been addressed by the introduction of the RESTful Web Services within the Drupal Core. The features of Drupal help it to lead in the mobile marketing initiative.