Ecommerce >> Tips to increase your chances of selling more on your Ecommerce website.

Tips to increase your chances of selling more on your Ecommerce website.

Nowadays e -commerce websites are becoming a better substitute to the more traditional retail shops. Even though traditional shopping is hard to replace, the argument for having your Ecommerce store seems clear. You can sell almost anything online these days with e-commerce websites selling household goods, tech gadgets, cosmetic brands, parent and baby products and even things for the boudoir. 

There are some elements that you may want to consider incorporating into your online shopping site. These elements have proven to attract customers, generate leads, effect sales and improve the User Experience on an e-commerce website.   

We list some of these elements below : 

Credible & Informative Content : Since your customers won’t actually “feel” the product until they purchase it; it’s essential to provide them the best impression of the product as possible. Besides the obvious great quality photograph, detailed information about care, size, material and any other “need to know” info should be easily available with your product. Multiple images with different angles will also help the buyer. The Price and Buy buttons should be located close to each other. 

Responsive Design : The most obvious benefit of your online store is that your customer can shop 24/7. Why miss out on the sales that you can capture while your potential user is travelling? Make sure your website is optimized for most devices. This will also ensure a seamless shopping experience and create a stronger brand impression. 

User-Friendly Checkout Process : A tedious checkout process can discourage any avid buyer. Make the call to action clear. Show the customer clearly at what point of purchase he or she is, via bread crumbs. Show the costs adding up on shipping or other variables as clearly as possible. The customer should not feel unsure or cheated when he or she sees a different price on the payment page. 

Website Loading Time : Visitors will quit quickly if your website doesn’t quickly. According to Econsultancy website, “40% of people will reject a webpage if it takes more than three seconds to load.” Moreover, the call to action should be obvious, clear and immediate. The customer should know exactly what you are selling and what button he or she should click to purchase, as soon as they are on the site. 

Guest or Member Checkout: Depending on what value you can provide your members, you may want to consider having a simple guest checkout. We are inundated with loyalty cards and programs and the customer may not want to fill in so many details, like his or her birthdate, or place of work, to make a purchase. Memberships give you a database, true, but do think of what value it will give the user. 

Add to Wish List : This option is especially supportive in case of pendulous members who are evaluating any product. Perhaps the price point is not correct.  This option gives them the flexibility to bookmark the product to which they can come back afterward. You will also know what products have been added and this information can help your marketing decisions. 

Discount modules: Everyone likes a deal. Make sure your website and the backend allows you to create and provide at least a few kinds of main discounts, like cart level discount, product level discounts.

Recommended Items: Cross sell your products via a Recommended Items module on your product page. Here you can suggest different complementary items that would match well with what the users are currently browsing. 

If you wish to learn more about Ecommerce sites and try a Platform before you buy it, do contact us.