Category : Web Development

What are the main points of difference between Joomla and Magento?

Magento and Joomla are popular open source solutions and widely used by most developers and designers. Both of them serve as excellent platforms as both come facilitated with a large number of features and extensions. However, there are numerous differences between both of them. If you are considering building a website and you need to decide upon the right open source for developing the site then it is best to first weigh the pros and cons of popular solutions available. Comparison and analysis of main points of difference between Magento and Joomla will help you find out which one is......

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5 Things About Web Development That You Should Not Ignore

Web development has become an integral part of running a business. It is not enough to have a business website. Now businesses need to have a website that is beautifully designed, powerfully developed and is informative and useful to the visitors. It should be one which visitors like spending time on and come back again and again. To achieve this, you must hire the services of a web application developer, because only a thoroughly professional developer can develop an equally professional website. Apart from this, there are many more intricacies involved in website development. Therefore, it is important......

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