Tag : Ecommerce

Ecommerce  >> Is Magento The Right CMS to use for building a product catalogue?

Are you looking to build a website for a mobile store and wish to create a product catalog? In case you wish to do so but do not have much idea about the right kind of content management system (CMS) to use, then you can start off by researching Magento. A lot of experts’ advice the use of this popular CMS for building a product catalog, as it comes with specifications that make it easy for developers to list their products without facing much hassle. This CMS is pretty good for even those who are looking only to create a.....

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Ecommerce  >> Choosing the right ecommerce web development company for your project can make all the difference

Ecommerce is a rapidly buzzing space where new players are cropping up at lightning speed and existing ones are evolving fast. Given the heightened competition in the domain, players have to focus sharply on creating the right web designs and hence devote greater attention at making the right impression on their targeted users through the right website development strategy. It is best to hire the most suitable web design company that can contribute towards higher success of their ecommerce sites.  Here are some of the things that you need to search for when selecting a web design company:

Company with.....

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Mobile Optimization  >> How can you maximize gains for your ecommerce brand from a rise in mobile shopping trends!

Mobiles and tablets have come to rule our lives these days as we tend to heavily rely on their usage for most of our daily activities. Shopping through mobile on ecommerce sites has become a highly popular trend because of the convenience it provides, to get anything one desires, at the click of a few buttons. Currently, statistical research shows a high percentage of people using mobile device to make their ecommerce purchase and that figure is rising further.  The increasing inclination of shoppers to log on to mobile ecommerce sites has made it impossible for brands to ignore such.....

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Ecommerce  >> Product page optimization key factor in ecommerce search marketing strategy

Building a great looking and browser compatible ecommerce site is not enough but one needs to direct conscious efforts towards drawing in greater traffic for the site. One way of bringing in more web users to the ecommerce platform is to optimize the category pages for which relevant search terms are searched more by web users. A dynamic eCommerce search marketing campaign should necessarily entail optimizing the product pages as its key component in order to make the ecommerce businesses highly successful.  Product level optimizations can have greater impact on generating traffic and thereby bringing in higher revenues. 



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Ecommerce  >> Pay a bit more attention to design when making your ecommerce site.

E-commerce sites are dime a dozen given the current popular trend among people to buy and sell everything under the sun. The greater convenience of buying and selling at the click of a button has prompted a growing number of e-commerce companies to come up with effective and beautiful designs to create a powerful impact. In view of this heightened competition between e-commerce sites, it has become imperative for e-commerce businesses to craft their websites in the most effective manner possible, in order to stand out from the crowd.  Well thought out designs can convey the right brand image across.....

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Ecommerce  >> Hire An Expert To Design Your Ecommerce Strategy For Enhanced Online Visibility

With more and more people increasingly turning to the Internet and smartphones, for placing orders and purchasing their stuff, new businesses are also expanding online to ensure their products and services are available at the click of a button. Everyday, one finds new businesses breaking into the ecommerce space. The lure of benefiting immensely from ecommerce attracts many businesses to give it a try but not all can take advantage of the benefits. The failure to craft a proper ecommerce strategy is one of the reasons why despite the countless opportunities that it presents, the websites of few businesses fall.....

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